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Ground Communication and Tracking Systems

Home > Solutions > Government > Land

Land-based space communications like search and rescue, reconnaissance, surveying, and surveillance are a vital component of any nation’s endeavors. With satellite technology constantly growing in capability and importance, one of the most essential assets is forward thinking.

Earth Observation

The ground stations that provide satellite communications must always perform optimally, regardless of setup. They require accurate tracking systems, stable data links throughout the satellite pass, and durability even in the toughest environmental conditions.

Target Tracking

The goal of tracking and telemetry (TT&C) is exercised during flight tests of airborne platform or of equipment on board airborne platform (occasionally, also during operational situations) and to download data from airborne platform to ground stations online.

Turnkey Telemetry

Our experience in working with top tier customers has proven that each has their own requirements for implementing telemetry programs. In response, we have developed turnkey solutions that simplify project management and expedite implementation.

Land Mobile Communications / AMS

Communications from inside a vehicle pose a serious hurdle for both users and equipment integrators. The noise from engines, other conversations, and even gunfire make it difficult to hear an incoming radio signal. Orbit’s land mobile communication technologies minimize or eliminate the effects of these challenges.

Line of Sight

Line of sight (LoS) communications are a cost-effective, portable solution, which design to maximize the range and reliability of air-to-ground video and data for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). LoS systems deliver consistent and high-throughput connectivity for the massive amounts of data that they are meant to handle.

Earth Observation

The ground stations that provide satellite
communications must always perform
optimally, regardless of setup. They require
accurate tracking systems, stable data
links throughout the satellite pass, and
durability even in the toughest
environmental conditions.

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Target Tracking

The goal of tracking and telemetry (T&T)
is exercised during flight tests of airborne
platform or of equipment on board
airborne platform (occasionally, also
during operational situations) and to
download data from airborne platform to
ground stations online.

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Turnkey Telemetry

Our experience in working with top tier
customers has proven that each has their
own requirements for implementing
telemetry programs. In response, we have
developed turnkey solutions that simplify
project management and expedite

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Land Mobile
Communications / AMS

Communications from inside a vehicle pose
a serious hurdle for both users and
equipment integrators. The noise from
engines, other conversations, and even
gunfire make it difficult to hear an incoming
radio signal. Orbit’s land mobile
communication technologies minimize or
eliminate the effects of these challenges.

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Line of Sight

Line of sight (LoS) communications are a
cost-effective, portable solution, which
design to maximize the range and reliability
of air-to-ground video and data for
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). LoS systems
deliver consistent and high-throughput
connectivity for the massive amounts of
data that they are meant to handle.

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