Tracking Telemetry and
Command Antenna Solutions

Our TT&C antenna solutions range from a
single antenna + pedestal system to a
turnkey solution that includes a complete
ground telemetry station. Orbit’s business
and commercial clients can order TT&C
antenna systems customized for their
specific requirements.

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Earth Observation

Orbit’s ground station solutions for
tracking LEO and MEO satellites deliver the
high performance and accuracy needed
for optimal satellite communication.
Supporting multiple frequency ranges with
a number of antenna sizes, providing
scalable solutions that offer both excellent
performance and compact footprint

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Home > Solutions > Commercial > Land

Ground Stations, Tracking and Telemetry

Home > Solutions > Commercial > Land

Becoming a disruptive force means going in new directions, which can be a daunting challenge. For dozens of business and commercial organizations, Orbit has been the answer, with land systems that provide the flexibility and fast iterations needed to make their space communication goals into reality.

Earth Observation

Orbit’s ground station solutions for tracking LEO and MEO satellites deliver the high performance and accuracy needed for optimal satellite communication. Supporting multiple frequency ranges with a number of antenna sizes, providing scalable solutions that offer both excellent performance and compact footprint

Tracking Telemetry and Command Antenna Solutions

Our TT&C antenna solutions range from a single antenna + pedestal system to a turnkey solution that includes a complete ground telemetry station. Orbit’s business and commercial clients can order TT&C antenna systems customized for their specific requirements.

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