Position Tracking
The goal of tracking and telemetry (TT&C) is exercised during flight tests of airborne platform or of equipment on board airborne platform (occasionally, also during operational situations) and to download data from airborne platform to ground stations online. Orbit’s ground station solution for TT&C enable mission critical operations with highly accurate tracking to support reliable communications with airborne platforms under test, even in the most difficult weather and geographic conditions. Our breakthrough technology delivers the highest possible gain levels to maximize ground station performance for different TT&C applications. We supply a complete, cost effective T&T solution that includes standardized tracking antennas, mission controllers, and data receivers which can be rapidly delivered. The T&T solution also provides high-accuracy pointing to support the narrow beam width of Ka band satellites.
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Why Choose Orbit
Elevation Over Azimuth axes configuration
Integrated Antenna Control Unit (optional)
Digital servo amplifier to control antenna motion
robust, reliable durable for harsh outdoor environmental conditions
Why Choose Orbit
Elevation Over Azimuth axes configuration
Integrated Antenna Control Unit (optional)
Digital servo amplifier to control antenna motion
robust, reliable durable for harsh outdoor environmental conditions